Logic for Fun and Profit

Author: Dr. Sanford Wood
Genre: Educational | Logic Mathematics
Page Count: 240
Word Count: 42,648
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019905187
Paperback: 978-1-64456-037-2
Mobi: 978-1-64456-039-6
ePub: 978-1-64456-038-9
Stretch your mind and hone your logic​
This book is intended to be used for an introductory course in logic that includes both traditional and contemporary approaches to the study of logic. Throughout the book, humorous examples of logical errors are used in a style that is both light-hearted and witty to keep students actively engaged in the exercises. Also, the subject matter is presented in such a way that it is attractive to those who have a personal interest in pursuing the mental challenges of logic on their own.
The exercises begin with a warm-up of “mental calisthenics”, proceeding to humorous examples of misuse of language, and gradually moving to mathematical and computer logic as each chapter builds upon the lessons of the preceding one. Each chapter contains sample exercises with solutions, followed by additional exercises that can be worked in class or assigned for students to work on their own. Where rigor is required, clarity of exposition is supplemented with detailed examples. The Appendix contains solutions to odd-numbered exercises. The solutions provide not only the answers but explanations of how the answers are derived so that students can understand the methods they should use to reach their logical conclusion.