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New World Order
Millennial Girl


Author: Scott A. Meehan

Series: New World Order | Book Four

Genre: Dystopian | Post-Apocalyptic

Page Count: HC 186 - PB 220

Word Count: 53,056

Library of Congress Control Number: 2020942457



Paperback: 978-1-64456-165-2

Mobi: 978-1-64456-166-9

The future of warfare is about to change forever


The U.S. Government is on the leading edge of robotic technology… in the knick of time. Their humanoid prototype warrior is the first female Green Beret, Asha Hawkins. Critically injured during training, a top team of cybernetic surgeons save her life and enhance her abilities with remarkable abilities that surpass any human being. Sent on a Top-Secret mission by the POTUS himself, Asha hunts down the Human Traffic Cartel behind the kidnapping of six young girls, daughters of Washington's elites. When Asha discovers that they are being replicated for Human Trafficking, she must get inside the network, which has its own robotic force, Cyrix. To save the girls, Asha must fight Cyrix… to the end.

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