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RELEASE DATE 03/15/2025
Faith Among Friends

Author: Vera Jane Cook
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Page Count:
Word Count:
Library of Congress Control Number:
Paperback: 978-1-64456-803-3
Kindle: 978-1-64456-804-0
ePub: 978-1-64456-805-7
What Your Friends Don’t Know Won’t Hurt You
As five old friends reunite in a familiar old hang out forty years after they first met secrets are revealed, old wounds resurface and chilling lies reopen resentments that still leave a chill between them. The startling torments of youth haunt the present with a passionate reminder that old friendships have the power both to reopen the wounds of youth and to heal them. When Vivian Forrester gets her old friends together to admit to a startling lie, a chilling omission, it will not be easy but neither will it be fruitless.
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